Our new school tent

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tully Basketball Team Selection

On Monday, October 25th and Monday, November 1st, Tully will be having open gym for basketball team selections for 4th and 5th grade boys and girls.  During these two days, students will be completing drills and scrimmages for placement on the basketball teams.  Tully has two teams:  Team A which will play on Thursday and Friday nights and Team B which will play on Sundays.
Students will need to turn in their permission slip to Mr. Connor by October 15th to be part of the team.  Once the student turns in his/her form, Mr. Connor will give the student an information packet.  Inside the packet will be uniform information as well as a physical form.  In order for your child to be part of the team, they must have their physical form and $60 turned in no later than Monday, November 1st to Mr. Connor.  Practices will be on Mondays from 4:00-5:45. 

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